England Population Density Map

The Population Density map of England shows the distribution of the population based on Kontur Population Dataset. The map contains hexagons of approximately 1,300 feet (400 meters) in size.
The same map can be created by you for any country or state, using this tutorial.
You can also explore the interactive population density map of the UK here:
According to the census, the total population of the United Kingdom is 66,839,578 people. The UK census is handled by multiple agencies. Currently, the census data for Northern Ireland, England, and Wales is up-to-date for 2021. However, the figures for Scotland are from 2011.
Kontur Population is available under Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY) license. You can use it for any purpose, even commercially.
The latest population data for the UK, provided by Kontur, is available on the United Nations Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX). It provides information about the population density in the UK using 400m H3 Hexagons. The file size is 13.7 MB.
Kontur population dataset
Kontur Population is a publicly available dataset that provides information about population density across the globe. The dataset utilizes a grid system based on H3 hexagons, with population counts at a resolution of 400 meters. The dataset has various applications, including humanitarian mapping, waste management optimization, commercial site selection, emergency service coverage, and more.
If you need some custom processing or a higher-resolution version of this dataset, please get in touch with us.